How should I come dressed?
However you like! Most present in suits, dresses or other business formal wear . We believe God is more interested in what is inside your heart than what you are wearing.Where do I Park?
A free parking lot is available surrounding the church.Which entrance do I use?
The main entrance to the sanctuary is located near the circular driveway.What is service like?
All experiences at Liberty are comprised of a powerful worship and a life-changing message. Our goal is to worship God and strengthen one another. Our ushers will provide you a bulletin that will show you what will be happening during service. Feel free to sit wherever you feel comfortable when you enter the sanctuary. Our ushers will be happy to help you find a seat.-
What should I do with my Children?
From 9:30am till 11am there are various youth age based Sabbath school classes being conducted. Every third Sabbath of the Month we host Children's church for ages 2 to 12, the ushers will direct you to the area where this is held.
What amenities are available for those with disabilities?
Our entire church building is on a ground level plan. We also have specially equipped bathrooms for our disabled congregants. Our disability ministry is active and other special needs are addressed as requested.
If you have any additional questions, please feel free to